
GUIR a proud sponsor of the National Aboriginal Community

GUIR a proud sponsor of the National Aboriginal Community

GUIR a proud sponsor of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Healing Organisation NACCHOs, AGM and members meeting held this month in Cairns.

This key event which gathers board members, CEO’s and administrative staff from Aboriginal community controlled health organisations around the country is a key strategic meeting for the organisation. Fostering cooperative partnerships and working relationships with agencies that respect Aboriginal community control and holistic concepts of health and wellbeing, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation NACCHO is a living embodiment of the aspirations of Aboriginal communities and their struggle for self-determination. NACCHO is the national peak body representing over 150 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services ACCHSs across the country on Aboriginal health and wellbeing issues. It has a history stretching back to a meeting in Albury in 1974

Key note speakers included:
Justin Mohamed Chairperson
NACCHO Chief Executive Officer Lisa Briggs

Centre for Health Policy
School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne Mr Denis Padilla

Deputy Director of Makewe Hospital, Chile Makewe Hospital, Chile Marvin Weinman

FAS of the Primary and Mental Health Care Division
Department of Health Department of Health Dr Jason Agostino
Data Clinician

NACCHO Dr Dennis Petrie
Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Health Policy

University of Melbourne University of Melbourne Jason Mifsud
Head of Diversity

See link to the Agenda:

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